Melody in Time is a futuristic sci-fi tale set in the year 2080, where rising oceans and environmental collapse threaten humanity. The story follows Andy, Rose, and Holly—three teens with extraordinary musical and psychic gifts—who are trapped in glass dream pods by LifeForce, an organization secretly harvesting dreams to power its plans to colonize the distant planet Vega. As they navigate love, loss, and redemption, music becomes their key to freedom, with Andy leading the band "7 Years Of." Together, they must unravel LifeForce’s hidden agenda, rescue their friend Michael, and confront dark forces to save humanity through the power of music and dreams.
She's Free Now"* is a heartfelt and emotional track from the *Melody in Time* album by "7 Years Of." Composed by **Drew Norman**, the song tells the poignant story of a little girl who wins her courageous battle with cancer. Through powerful lyrics and soulful melodies, the song captures both the struggles and triumphs of her journey, reflecting themes of resilience, hope, and freedom.